Monday, December 11, 2006

the official deal with this blog

Okay, so it's just about finals time. I'm finishing up papers, my film and of course studying really hard for my ethics test. Anyway, it's a bit early to be doing this, but since my internet at home is miraculously slow, I figured I'd procrastinate editing a little and set up my blog for next semester while I still have fast net access on campus.

So here's my end the deal:

I'm going to be spending next semester in Niamey, Niger. Obviously, I'm crazy excited, but I'm going to miss all of you at school, home, and those who are also traveling or working abroad. So, instead of filling everyone's inboxes with e-mails (not that I don't love getting e-mails from those of you who are sending them to me - but lets face it, I'm so not that proactive when it comes to communication). Anyway, I decided to follow in the footsteps of my Americorps sis and start a blog - this way everyone, even those not linked on facebook or myspace, will be able to check and see what I'm up to whenever they want to.

Your end of the deal:

If you want, check up and leave some comments, or better yet e-mail me! Also, if your going abroad or lead a particularly interesting life, follow suit and start a blog so I can check up on you - in a totally non- sketchy way.

So, bear with my typos and any other problems I may have with this whole blog thing. I'll officially be beginning my Niger adventure on Jan. 25, and I'm sure entering the world of blogging will be a big adventure too. Oh, and whoever can tell me the full quote and movie that my site title comes from will win a big hug next time I see them.
